Export packing

Customer Center

Open : 09:00~18:00
Closed : Weekends and holidays

Packaging information

Information on packaging of goods at the time of export

The volume, storage method, and quantity of goods to be transported at the time of import and export are also different. Therefore, it is necessary to select other packages depending on the characteristics of the goods.

Packaging procedure for goods at the time of export

The process of product packaging.
* If you request an import / export agency service, the packing procedure at the time of consulting will also be explained.

  • 포장의뢰 확인
    01Confirmation of packaging request
  • 박스설계
    02Box design
  • 박스제작
    03Box making
  • 물품포장
    04Packaging of goods

Whois Features of trade export packaging

후Whois For export packaging, we carefully check the items at the time of packing request. Based on the confirmation contents, we will manufacture an accurate design
Safely pack the goods in the finished box. We also offer the most reasonable price in the same industry.

  • 꼼꼼한 상담 및 확인
    Careful counseling and confirmation
  • 정확한 설계를 바탕으로 제작
    Manufactured based on accurate design
  • 안전한 포장
    Safe package
  • 합리적인 가격
    Reasonable price